Company TiSO are pleased to confirm that our high security road blockers and bollards have been approved by the US Department of Defence (DoD). The DoD list is an approved list of manufacturers that have shown that their equipment meets the stringent testing requirements for anti-ramming equipment and will function reliably against high speed vehicle attacks.
The DoD barrier list is an approved list of tested barriers by the protective design centre (PDC). All TiSO vehicle mitigation equipment has been extensively tested in accordance to ASTM and IWA standards to ensure that it meets the strict criteria required by the PDC for DoD approval.
The Protective Design Center (PDC) is the US military center of expertise for engineering services related to force protection and protective design. We provide engineering design and support services to the US military for both permanent and semi-permanent applications and to the DoD and other U.S. Government agencies to protect people and property assets against criminal and terrorist threats.
To be included in this list, the manufacturer must undergo an appropriate audit and the equipment must meet the highest quality criteria and international protection requirements. TiSO has met the required standard and are therefore now included in the approved lists.
For further information about our range of products contact us