One of the advantages of external road blocker control cabinets is their size, which allows to place a lot of additional equipment inside. The basic equipment of the cabinet consists of a hydraulic pumping station, the power of which is calculated according to the model of the road blocker and the distance to it, and a controller designed to control the station, process input signals from control devices and provide information about the status of HVM.

Thus, the external control cabinet is similar to the construction, which allows, with the help of additional elements, to assemble a device with the functionality needed by the customer.
In this text we will discuss all the current options for TiSO high security road blockers.
Manual hydraulic pump

It provides an opportunity to raise the road blocker in case a power supply goes off. It is not too fast, and the time it takes to lift depends on the type of road blocker and the distance to it.
EFO (Emergency Fast Operation)

EFO is a hydraulic energy storage system. It is usually used for quick (1-1.5s) lifting of the road blocker. Also an additional function of the EFO is to raise the road blocker in case power goes off, but for this the cabinet must be provided with an autonomous power supply system in the form of a rechargeable battery. EFO power is calculated according to the characteristics of the road blocker.
Hydraulic fluid heating system
Hydraulic fluids change viscosity depending on air temperature. Choosing this option is necessary in case of cold weather conditions. The system consists of a heating device and a thermostat. The control cabinet must be insulated with thermal insulation materials.
Control cabinet cooling system
High air temperatures are undesirable for the operation of the electronic components of the controller. Therefore, we recommend cooling for areas where the air temperature reaches 40 degrees.
The thermostat controls the temperature inside the cabinet and controls the fan that blows the heated air outside. We also use thermal insulation to reduce the external heating of the cabinet.
Hydraulic fluid level control system
In a well-assembled hydraulic system, fluid leakage is unlikely. However, there is a possibility of damage to the hydraulic hoses during operation of the equipment. Therefore, an alarm that is activated when the liquid reaches a critical level is a desirable option. However, the presence of such an alarm does not eliminate the need to check the fluid level in accordance with the requirements of the operating documentation.
Hydraulic fluid temperature control system
Overheating of the hydraulic fluid may be due to errors in the control cabinet cooling system or the hydraulic fluid heating system. Therefore, for additional control of these systems, we recommend using a temperature alarm.
Audible alarm
Activated when raising or lowering the locking device platform. The device is located inside the control cabinet.
Safety cut-out device
This is a differential circuit breaker designed to further protect personnel from electric shock in the event of a malfunction of the electrical part of the equipment. Please note that grounding the equipment is a prerequisite for safe operation.
Uninterruptible power supply
This is an additional motor (24V), which will ensure the operation of the blocker from two car batteries 60-100A*h.
If you have any questions about additional equipment for roadblocks, write to